Junior Research Officer at Kaveri Seeds Company with a masters degree in genetics and plant breeding with one and half year experience in rice trait introgression and phenotypic screening for leaf blast and bacterial leaf blight and brown plant hoppers resistance at seedling and field level. Additionally, I have gained valuable practical experience in maintaining rice crop in field and hydroponics. I am dedicated to maintaining high standards and delivering solid results.
Roles and Responsibilities: (RICE)
Maintained 400 cotton germplasm to support genome-wide association studies.
Performed DUS assessment on cotton varieties.
Assessment of genetic diversity through metro glyph analysis in rice (Oryza sativa) Germplasam
Objective:- To assess the Genetic diversity in rice (Oryza sativa) by Using metro glyph method
Result:- The genotypes Nagarjuna, Jarva and NDR-359, which have a high index score and fall into various clusters, can be utilized as parents in hybridization.
Module Dairy Technology Project•Work Performed: - worked on Production, Processing, Packing and Storage of Dairy Products
Rural Agriculture Work Experience (RAWE)
Role:- Extension worker
Tools Used:- Demonstration charts, Spraying kits, Fertilizers, and Chemicals
Work performed:- Conducted Result and method demonstrations in rural areas
Assessment of genetic diversity using metro glyph analysis in rice (Oryza sativa L.) germplasm in International Journal of plant and soil science.