· Having 4+ years of experience as a Tableau Developer.
· Experience in designing and creating interactive visualization and build reporting infrastructure to provide real time insights using Tableau Desktop, Tableau Server and MS Excel.
· To pursue challenging position one that will build on technical skill on the professional front and keep abreast with ever changing technologies.
· Able to apply independent critical thinking, ability to look at problem, interrogate the data, present it in ways that clearly answers business questions and drive actions.
· Experience in Calculations of YTD, QTD, MTD, LYTD, LQTD, LMTD& YoY analysis.
· Experience on Development of Dashboards for Key Performance Indicators for the top management.
· Team player with good communication skills and interpersonal skills.
· Passionate practitioner of effective visualization. Familiarity with best practices around visualization and design.
· Drill down using Set Actions and Parameter Actions.
· Merge multiple data sources by joining multiple tables and using Blending.
· Experience in different LOD Calculations and Table Calculations.
· Push SQL code to GitHub repository & using it in creating the MPRS report & pushing it to the MPRS portal.
· Publishing tableau reports to the tableau server.
· Managing the subscribers & users on the tableau server.
· Basic knowledge of salesforce API.
· Good in SOQL & RDBMS knowledge.
Project # 1 : Sales Profit & Revenue Insights
Environment : Tableau, Excel, My SQL, Jira
Domain : Sales
Project Description: Revenue analysis for customer business segment. To analyze Sales & Profit wrt YTD, QTD, MTD, WTD and YOY. Sales performance by different states, age group, business segment. Customer segmentation to get insights of hyper market chain.
Charts/KPI Used: YTD Sales & Profit, YoY Performance, Total Sales, Total Profit, Total Revenue, Profit Ratio, used charts like Line Chart, Bar Chart, Symbol Map, Butterfly Chart, Lollypop Chart, Area Chart, Onion Chart.
· Participated in project planning sessions with team members to analyze business requirementand outline the proposed solution.
· Creating multiple dashboards with different charts as per requirement.
· Worked on various LOD calculations and Table calculations, YTD, LYTD, MTD, LMTD,YoY
analysis, Drill down using set actions, creating groups and sets.
· Creating visually compelling and actionable interactive dashboards and worksheets.
Project #2 : Revenue analysis & insights
Environment : Tableau, Excel, Jira
Domain : Finance
Project Description: Revenue analysis of companies based on financial performance analyzing growth & region wise revenue flow.
Charts/KPI Used: Company with Max no of Employees, Total no of Employees, Median Growth, Max Revenue, Total Revenue. Charts used are Pie Chart, Box & Whisker Plot, Pareto Chart, Packed Bubble Chart, Tree Map, Stacked Bar Chart, Line Chart, Histogram, Symbol Map, and Custom Sankey Chart.
· Participated in project planning sessions with team members to analyze business requirementand outline the proposed solution.
· Developed different types of visualizations reports using Pareto chart, Box & Whisker Plot, Histogramfor revenue flow from industry to region.
· Worked extensively with advanced analysis using filters, actions, parameters, table calculations and calculation fields.
Operating System: Windows 10