An accomplishment-driven professional targeting opportunities in Software Development with an organization to make the best use of skills and knowledge to keep growing Mutually.Easily Communicates complex technical requirements to non-technical stakeholders.
Holding an Experience of. 3+ years with title of Senior Software Engineer.
September 2021 - Current: Working as a Full Stack developer . Responsible for Design, develop , and maintain various project .
Role: Full Stack Developer
Stack&tools: Javascript , Vue js (2 & 3), Nuxt , Quasar v2, Node , Express, Firebase, Tailwind , And Various Other Javascript libraries
May 2021 - Sept 2021: Worked on Building a no code platform .I was helping n providing a complete solution for developing web as well as Mobile Applications with minimal or no coding at all . Developed UI Library and Layout Builder for platform .
Role: Front End Developer
Stack & tools: Javascript , Vue js (2 & 3), Tailwind , Storybook, And Various Other Javascript libraries, Git , Gitlab .
June 2020 – May 2021: Developed a CRM Application for Valve & service Industries with multi tenant architecture and fully for account management, project progress tracking, tracking deliverables , bulk custom order placement with spreadsheet layout etc.
Role: Full Stack Developer
Stack & tools: Vue.js, Quasar framework, Apollo GraphQL, Nodejs, Nestjs, PostgreSQL, Jspreadsheet, Excel.js, pptgen.js, Sheetjs, sortable.js, jspdf,
November 2019 – May 2020: Developed an Analyzing webapp for industries to help in developing Product by Analyzing the market product Against their own & develop ideas based on improvement points provided by app.
Role: Front End Developer
stack & tools: Vue js, Quasar framework, Jspreadsheet js ,Excel.js Pptgen js, E-charts, Plotly, Kanban etc.
Programming Languages: JavaScript, HTML, CSS,,Node