Blue Kaktus , WFX ,Texma ,Movex , Samridhdhi , QDM,POL,NextGen , G1
Innovative Merchandising Manager offering 13 years of experience in Apparel Merchandising with unique outlook to product development processes , planning and execution. Successful in managing on time delivery by close monitoring of all Merchandising activities. Proficient in using technology to execute orders as she has vast knowledge of handling UK , US and various other customer.
BAH , FRI , IMN , TPR , DUPRO for Customer Target
undefinedBlue Kaktus , WFX ,Texma ,Movex , Samridhdhi , QDM,POL,NextGen , G1
Graduation Project on : Reduction of Merchandising delays and inefficiency.
Graduation Project on : Reduction of Merchandising delays and inefficiency.
Garment Internship from TCNS Ltd (Duration 2 Months) - Developed flexible manufacturing environment through "Modular Production System"
Textile Internship from Bhiwani Textile Mills (Duration - 1 Month) - Understanding of manufacturing and processing of woven fabric.